There's goes my monkey mind again. Why does life have to be so hard? When does the struggle end? As a challenge comes up, my thoughts seem to start down this path of their own volition.
What I want is to live my life like Richard Branson or Mariah Carey - in charge of my livelihood and enjoying leisurely days on my own island. People to do my hair and plenty of money to spend on the clothes I see on Pinterest. What I seem to have is hair up in a thrown together ponytail and $5 t-shirts from Forever 21.
I am learning that we all have these types of day, even Richard Branson. And if they can get through them, so can I. So, I have some strategies in place to get out of my monkey mind and into my life of ease.
First, I need to remember that we are all connected and that whatever is in those I feel have a life of ease, it also exists within me. Rather than complain about what I don't have, I need to turn it around into seeing those with success even more successful and to be genuinely happy for their prosperity.
Admittedly, it takes some practice, however, each time I see an article or hear news about someone's good fortune, I make a point to congratulate them, even if it's silently within. The more I have been doing this, the easier it gets and I know it will be returned to me (in fact, I can feel less emphasis being placed on my lack and true gratefulness for the abundant Universe we live in through this practice).
Then, I stay focused on my path, having the faith that right where I am is right where I am supposed to be. I take my actions one step at a time, feeling grateful that I do have choices available to me. Broken down into bite-size pieces, the struggle seems to disappear as I check off my tasks or enjoy a break from doing anything at all.
Lastly, I change my definition of lack. There will always be someone with more than I have currently. But, when it comes right down to it, all of my needs are met. I have a closet full of clothes, a refrigerator stocked with healthy food, a family who love and support me and a lovely four-bedroom house with a backyard that brings me peach and joy.
It's making all the difference in my life when I remember that my struggle with having "less than" belongs to no one but me. And that is good enough for now.
My intention for today: I am in the easy flow of my life and I pull to me everything that is for my highest and best.
Affirmative Prayer:
The presence of the Divine Indwelling Spirit moves through all that is, breathing life into all that require it, creating a world that works for everyone. This creative and expansive presence exists where I am right now, surrounding me in beauty and love and connecting my heart and my mind to see the truth of who I am - an expression of God - perfect, whole and complete.
As I allow this expression of God as Sandy to unfold, I know that the abundance and prosperity is here now for me to take hold of. Everything I need comes to me with ease and with grace and I have no need for thoughts of lack or limitation. I let go of any perceived struggle, trusting that my way is made for me. Out of no way, a way is always made and it is made even better than I can imagine. The vast Universe steps up to fill my bucket to overflowing and I allow my life to flow easily and effortlessly, taking one step at a time.
Grateful for this energy of ease and peace and joy, I say simply thank you, Spirit, for Your presence within. My life is blessed and I know it is Your pleasure to support me in an abundant and prosperous life. The Universe with-holds nothing and for that I am grateful.
Releasing my words to the Divine Action of the Law, I let the worthiness wash over me, knowing that as I have written these words, it is already done. I am deserving of what is here now and what is on its way. I let it be so. And so it is!
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