Thursday, May 2, 2013

Daily Intention for May 2, 2013

Yesterday, feelings of a lack of self-confidence showed up and I had to stop and think about what was going on.  Walking past a group of high-school kids, I felt that I was inferior to them.  Am I supposed to think this?  Of course, if I DON'T think about it, it will keep showing up in a bigger fashion, right?  Taking a breath and pulling back for a minute, an affirmation came to me and as soon as I said it, my feelings started shifting - "I move through the world with the confidence of a super-model walking the runway."  Immediately, I started feeling better, walking taller, with a growing smile as I kept repeating my new mantra.  It's amazing that as I allow these thoughts and let them be what they are, I can allow Spirit to shine through and help me see the beauty of who I really am.

Today, I apply slow and steady progress to the projects I am working on.  I practice and polish new skills and I wait patiently for the outcome.

Affirmative Prayer:
Leaning into the one Power, the one Presence, the overflowing abundance and unlimited possibilities that move through all that is, there is an excess of good and of love.  In every moment, the abundance and the possibilities and the goodness and the love flow through and around and within me.   Knowing this truth for me, I am content and at peace with the Divine Flow that forms and creates me just as I am.  I am enough in each and every moment of the day.

I accept that every part of my life is abundant and prosperous in perfect Divine timing.  I can take my time and have no need to rush through any project I am working on.  Spirit guides my choices and I am present to working on the new skills I am developing and letting older skills become more polished.  I find freedom in the patience I am practicing, accepting that I am always in the right place in the right time for where-ever I am at in my day and in life.  I am secure in my innate well-being, trusting that even as I move slowly and steadily, my good and my blessings grow exponentially!

I am so grateful to know the truth about who I am - I'm thankful for the truth of my abundance and prosperity and blessings and I need do nothing except to allow Spirit to move me in the right direction, one step at a time.  Thank you, God, for the knowing that you are my source for all things in my life.

Releasing my words to the Divine Action of the Law, my good is already here.  I am already in the flow of practicing patience and trusting the perfect outcome is already here.  I let it be so...and so it is!

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