Monday, September 16, 2013

Don't Be Afraid To Honor Your Emotions

Lately, I find myself on an emotional roller coaster ride.  Some days, I feel so good and life seems easy.  Other days, like today, I feel like a lead weight is sitting in the pit of my stomach.  It was hard to get out of bed for work and the need to cry was taking hold of me.

Knowing that our thoughts create our life, it's tempting to ignore my feelings and put on my happy face.  But - I can't discount the emotions that continue to nag at me.

Going through the motions of getting ready for the day, I picked up September's Creative Thought magazine and landed on Rev. Jane Beach's article, Exploring Emotions.

In her article, Rev. Beach says that "emotions become the conduit through which we understand ourselves in a deeper, more compassionate way.  As spiritual beings having a human experience, it's time to honor the feelings and emotions that come with the human experience - all of them."

Processing that thought, I can see that the Universe is giving me an opportunity to take a deeper dive into who I am through the emotions I am feeling.  I don't have to be happy all the time.  The real value is to look at the whole range of feelings that I have and to appreciate the healing opportunity.

For me, I realize that I carry around things in my subconscious that are creating my life.  If I look at my emotions and really FEEL them, I can raise things to my conscious mind to be revealed and healed.

During my meditation this morning, I allowed myself to sit with my angst and sadness.  I let the feelings surface, trusting that I was protected by Spirit, and I asked the questions, "What am I supposed to know from this?" and "What needs to be healed?"

After some time, feelings of love started to wash over me.  At that point, I could bless my sadness and my angst and let them go.  There were no clear images that came out of the quiet, however, I did experience the release of closing the door on things in the past that belong in the past.

And, as I came out of my meditation, I carried with me an idea that another door is opening for me - a door that will lead to a beautiful experience that will be exactly what I need for my highest and best expression.

I will have to contemplate this more but I can see where this will take me down the path of compassion for the person I am, just as I am, right now.  As Rev. Beach writes, "once you become open to feeling your emotions, you will get into the flow of nonresistance, where emotions are noticed, felt, and then released on an ongoing basis as a normal and natural part of your life."

No more tail-spinning down into faulting and blaming myself.  I love ALL of my emotions and I am worthy of a destiny filled with light and with love.

So, today, I set the intention to embrace my emotions, having compassion for myself, and allowing Life to fill me with joy and goodness and freedom.

"This being human is a guest house.  Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness
 comes as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!  Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house of its furniture, still treat each guest honorably.  He may be clearing you out for some new delight."

~Rumi, from The Guest House

Affirmative Prayer:
In this moment right now, there is only One - One Power, One Love, One Infinite Intelligence - that expresses as the beauty of nature and unfolds as unlimited possibilities.   And as I am part of the One, it is all contained within me.  A love and a light so bright, standing perfect, whole and complete throughout every fiber of my being.

Affirming that I am loved and knowing the truth of who I am, I allow each and every emotion I feel to have its place in my being.  I acknowledge it and I let it run its course, whether it is joy or sadness, wonder or worry, I realize that it has a purpose.  I trust that once I have felt these emotions, it is safe to let them go.  And I open to the goodness that Life has to offer me.  I open to joy and the freedom to be exactly who I am - a Spiritual being having a human incarnation.  

I am so thankful for the knowing that every day, I am made new, as God flows through me.  And it is with gratitude that I release the past and that which no longer serves my highest and best expression.  Thank you, Life, for guiding me to my destiny of greatness.

As I release my word to the Divine action of the Law, I accept that it is already done in perfect ways.  All is well.  And I let it be so.  And so it is!

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