Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Keeping a Low Profile

Life gets busy for all of us.  We work eight hours (at least), we take care of our families, we make time for fun and in the course of all of our busy-ness, our bodies sometimes get neglected.

And, just like that, we're hit with a cold or an injury or something that forces us to slow down.  That is what is showing up in my life right now.  After quite a bit of travel for work, I managed to pick up a doozy of a cold INCLUDING losing my voice.  I'm now on day two of squeaking and squawking and it's not pretty.  It's pretty frustrating actually.

It occurs to me, though, that I am being swept by the Universe into a time of gathering my energy.  I am being forced to slow down.  My body needs rest and I am drinking water like crazy.  And I feel it's all guided by Spirit who is trying to tell me that I will need my energy for the upcoming demands that will show up as I set intentions to live my passion.

I am focused on living my purpose and discovering what that purpose truly is.  In order to do that, I have to trust that I am guided in all things including giving my body some down time.  Everything happens in perfect Divine timing and if I believe that, it's okay to take a break from the hustle and bustle and treat myself to a nap.

I have to let go of the belief that I need to push through my illness.  Maybe what's required is to sit with my sore throat and sniffles and nurture myself with some hot tea.

It goes against my grain to slow down, especially around my work out schedule.  I HATE to miss my exercise and feel like such a slacker when I skip it.  But, I noticed yesterday when I decided to take the dog for a 20-minute walk, it felt GOOD.  The sun was shining and my sinus' cleared up.  It was so awesome to breathe freely!  And, it connected me to a feeling of being supported by something bigger than me.

So, today I'm choosing to lay low and give myself a break.  I will let my angels, both physical and spiritual, help me as I take care of myself and heal.

And this is a promise I'm keeping.

Affirmative Prayer:
There is only One.  One Source, One Power, One Presence - joyful and loving, flowing through and around all that is.  In the stillness and tranquility, I embrace this joyful Presence that surrounds me.  I let this Power wash over me as I take my next step on this journey as Sandy.  I let the clarity of my heart guide me, trusting that I am supported by this Presence that I call God.

In this clarity, I am infused with a feeling of love and harmony, a feeling of peace and bliss as I follow where I am guided.  I let go of the need to work hard and I embrace the chance to slow down, to stop and smell the roses, to play and to dream and imagine.  I have more than enough time to take a nap, to stroll down the path rather than run, to soak up the sun and let myself re-connect to my Source, to my Provider of all-good.  It is a beautiful day and I am free to spend it as I choose in each and every moment, knowing I am supported fully in all of it.

I give thanks for this knowing - this knowing of the Presence that is joy and love and tranquility.  I live in gratitude that even when my physical voice is gone, my thoughts and feelings are creating a life beyond what I can even imagine.   All that I need to remember is my connection to Source and let peace rise up to support me and I say Thank You for this peace.

I release these words to the Divine action of the Law, knowing that the flow of the Universe has it.  I am free and I am loved and I let go and let God.  I let it be so. And so it is!

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