Thursday, December 12, 2013

Growth Through Divine Discontent

Divine discontent is a term I read recently that speaks to my choice to change how I respond in every moment.  So, rather than be annoyed with a situation or frustrated with a person in my life, I can choose to take responsibility and respond differently.

But - how do I handle things when the annoying or frustrating person is me?

I admit that I like to direct my life and it's getting close to the time of year when it's the perfect opportunity to set intentions.  My challenge is that I have no idea what I really want to accomplish in the next few weeks let alone over the next year.

So - I'm now annoyed with myself that I lack vision and frustrated that my normal tendency to be a go-getter and has gotten up and left!

Fortunately, since my daily spiritual practice involves meditation, I decided to take this uncertainty into the silence today and ask the Universe for guidance.  What I received back was an internal nudge to focus on how I want to FEEL.   And, I had a sense of overwhelming love reminding me that beating myself up serves no purpose.

I am loved beyond measure and Spirit wants my success in all things.

Reading my horoscope in Elle magazine this week, I was reminded about vision boards and I am feeling pulled to sit and create one.    It mentioned that rather than deliberately seek out pictures of what I want, I should just flip through magazines and clip pictures that call out to me and make me feel a certain way.

What a great idea!  It is an opportunity for my subconscious, my soul, to give me some clarity around the action steps I should be taking.

So, I'm am giving myself a break and stepping out in faith that I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this point in my life.   I will continue to go with the flow and trust the Universe to support me.

And, I set the intention today to make the space for Spirit to show me in clear and understandable ways, where I should be focusing my time in each moment.

"When a man looks at the stars, he grows calm and forgets small things.
  They answer his questions and show him that his earth is only one 
of the million worlds.  Hold your soul still and look upward often,
 and you will understand their speech.  Never forget the stars."  
~ Frances Hodgson Burnett

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where
 this is no path and leave a trail."  
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Affirmative Prayer:
In every moment of every day, there is only One Power and One Presence.  It is in the beating of every heart, in the sounds of the ocean waves and the touch of a dog's wet nose against soft skin.

As the heart beats and the ocean waves crash against the shore, this One Presence that I call God also crashes and beats through and around and as me.  Every where I turn, I can feel the presence guiding and supporting me in all that I do.  In every choice I make, there is a Divine Wisdom that is always available.  In every step I take, Spirit is guiding the direction and making the path easy and effortless.

Knowing that a Divine Presence moves through me, I know that I am here on purpose for a purpose.  As that purpose unfolds, I am always available to hear Spirit speaking when I simply make the time to be still and listen.   And as I am guided by a loving Presence, I am given clear signs to direct my steps.  It is so easy to understand what my intuition tells me I must do.  And my path is smoothed over with love, with joy and with passion for all that is in my life right now.

It is from this place of passion and joy that I give thanks that I am here in this moment for a reason, for a purpose that is bigger than me.  And I am filled with gratitude for the vision of God's life as Sandy.  It is a beautiful, amazing life and, knowing I am loved beyond measure, I am thankful for this expression of Spirit.

Claiming a life filled with love, I release my Word to the Divine Action of the Law, knowing it is already done in glorious ways.  And I let it be so.  And so it is.

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