It used to be that I'd have places I'd love to visit but not have the financial means to do so or that I couldn't get the time off from work. Not anymore...and thankfully so.
That transition from being in a place of 'I can't afford it' or 'my company won't approve it' to 'where should we go next' has snuck up on me. And as the realization hits, the immediate thought that teases me is 'how long can this goodness last'?
What I know from all that I've learned is that if I keep the focus on the vision for my life - especially when those jolts of fear of 'this can't last' show up - I am staying in my power.
I acknowledge the feeling of worry that this will all go away and I bless that feeling. And then - I surrender to a power that supports me in achieving my goals and dreams.
My spiritual evolution in learning how to use the creative process, how to set a mental equivalent for the life I desire, and then doing what is next for me to do, has been transformative. Application of my spiritual practices - setting intentions, affirmative prayer, life visioning - has given me tools to let my life be directed by Spirit. And keeping it all going has been key to developing new habits that show me, in real ways. that all my needs are met.
Practice. Habits. Small steps. It works!
So, today, I set the intention to continue down this path that is working, taking small steps and allowing my life to be guided by Spirit.
"It's funny how day by day nothing changes.
But when you look back, everything changes."
~Author Unknown
"If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl.
But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward."
Affirmative Prayer:
Taking a deep breath, I turn my attention to the Divine Within. It is the Perfect Grace of Goodness that I call God. Life sustaining. Life altering. Forever creating. It is the majesty of a setting sun over the mountains and the twinkling of each star that lights the night sky.
This grace and majesty is the essence of who I am. My natural state of being is love and light, beauty and joy and abundance. And I am guided, in every moment, by an Infinite Intelligence the works as me, that blesses around me and that serves through me.
Embracing this knowing, I can see clearly that I am a part of something bigger than my human eyes can see. My beautiful and amazing life flows easily and effortlessly toward a greater good than I can imagine. As a unique expression of Spirit, I glory in being here at this time, allowing Life to move through me as I hold my vision on what's next for me. I say Yes! to my growth and evolution and, by doing so, I remind others of their magnificence. I welcome the joy found in taking small steps on this journey, guided by intuition and fueled by imagination. I sit quietly. I take a deep breath. And I let go.
And in letting go, I give thanks that the right and perfect choices are always in front of me. I ask for a sign and I am grateful that it is answered in clear ways that I can understand. And I say thank you, Sweet Spirit, that my new habits are impacting my life and others in positive and meaningful ways.
Connecting to the Source Within, I release my prayer to the Law of Mind, open to receiving my next step on this journey of ever expanding good. I am grateful. I am free. Amen. Alleluia. And so it is.
Photo courtesy of Hartwig HKD/Flickr