Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Get Off The Unworthiness Train

There was nothing more that I wanted for my first work event than to be a big success.  I wanted the evening to run smoothly, the clients to feel that it was worth their time and for everyone to leave anticipating the next event with excitement.

Overall, there was a lot of good feedback and it was a nice event, but I could have done a few things much better.

I could have looked at working with a caterer for the food instead of trying to go cheap and pick things up at Costco myself.

I could have spent more time investigating venues and choosing one that was a little more upscale.

I could have really highlighted the fact that we were at a NEW venue for this meeting so that no one assumed we would meet at the office as we've done in the past.

Given those things that need improvement, I find I'm sitting with a lot of self-talk, criticizing and nitpicking every last detail.  Even worse, I catch myself thinking that I'm not up to this new task, that I'm in over my head and should turn this over to someone more experienced.

But - I'm loving what I do.  And the spiritual side of me truly believes I'm in this role for a beautiful, amazing reason.

So I'm not giving up.  Instead, I'm practicing humility and remembering that I am here to be teachable.   I'm remaining open to the possibility that I can take what I learned and go into my next event with confidence that it will be THAT much better next time around.

I'm choosing to focus on what went well at the event and hold on to the consciousness that Spirit was at the very heart of everything that transpired.  And, if I believe that truth, then I can hold the expectancy that the Universe ALWAYS has my back, even in the face of things that did not go so well.

So, no pity parties for me.  Instead, I'm filled with joy that I get the chance to make my next event even better than anyone can imagine.

I am worthy.  I am deserving.  I am enough.

So, where are you letting negative self-talk prevent you from learning a great lesson?  And where have you learned the lesson and experienced success as a result?

Today, I set the intention to remain humble and teachable in the face of mistakes and to remain open to guidance from the Universe that shows me how my next event will be filled with love and creativity and success.

"Continued attention to a problem attracts it into your experience.  
To remove it from your experience, you must remove your attention from it."  

"It is important to acknowledge all your feelings and not beat yourself up for having them.  
Your feelings are not good or bad, they just are." 

Affirmative Prayer:
In the light of this moment, I see clearly that there is only One Infinite Intelligence, creating the beauty of each sunrise and the splendor of each sunset.  It is unlimited possibility, so vibrant and alive, yet comfortable and filled with peace.  There is no doubt of the Goodness of Spirit in the here and now, Divine Love surrounding all that is.

I live, move and have my being in this Divine Love, secure in the grace of Life.  I tap into the energy of Spirit, allowing for Its full and complete expression through me and as me. My highest nature is love and I live each day in faith and trust that everything for my good is revealed through a lens of joy and happiness.

In the midst of the chaos of my work, I choose to stand in the vibration of more than enough time and resources to plan successful events.  Letting go of excuses, I trust that everything I need will flow to me easily and effortlessly.  I am so creative and see that creativity expressed in the amazing venue for my events, in the food that is healthy and delicious, in the speaker who is on fire with his topic.  I welcome the wonderful feedback from clients and prospects who are being prospered simply by choosing to attend my events.  And I claim that every aspect of my life is so much better for having taken on a new job that calls me to take a leap of faith into a new line of work.

Centered in love, I am grateful for the power of Spirit that tells me I am more than qualified in the work I do.  I give great thanks for successful work events, for satisfied clients and for my boss who always trusted I could do it.  And I am filled with gratitude for the wisdom to surrender to the Universe and let life unfold in amazing ways.

Affirming everyday miracles are at hand, I release my prayer to the consciousness of the Divine Life, knowing it was done before I wrote these words.  I let love guide my life.  And I let it be so.  And so it is.

Photo courtesy of Fatma M./Flickr

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Have A Beautiful Weekend

I'm looking forward to spending some time at home this weekend, especially since I've managed to come down with a cold after all of the traveling.  The beautiful thing is, I truly believe I've kept it from turning into something beyond a cold by affirming my good health.  Just one more example where I've seen my thoughts work wonders in my life.  What are you up to this weekend?  Whatever it is, I hope you choose positive, affirming words that make for a wonderful weekend.  And, here are a few fun and inspiring links from around the web....

The easiest way for anyone to get paid to travel anywhere in the world

How to work from home (and still get things done)

Do you really need that? (Yes. That.)

How to balance your business and your family

6 compelling reasons to spend some time alone

5 ways to think yourself beautiful

How our hands reveal our character

15 healthy reasons to eat more berries

5 things to start thinking for a happier life

Made me smile

Why doing less is more fulfilling

And, above all, I hope your weekend is filled with happiness.  According to the Dalai Llama, "Happiness is the highest form of health." Enjoy your weekend!

Photo courtesy of Eole Wind/Flickr

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Let Go Or Go Crazy

As I get closer to leaving on a 10-day vacation, I'm noticing the more anxious I get.  I'm not really clear why that is because I love to travel.  The only thought that comes to me is to practice simply letting go.

Maybe I'm anxious that the travel will be difficult.  Or that things won't quite work out as I hope.  Or that the weather will create delays and I'll be stuck in the airport.

So, I'm spending time visualizing how wonderful and amazing everything is going to work out.  I'm sinking into the feeling that my trip will flow with ease and that something wonderful will always be on the verge of happening.

More than that, I'm writing this post so I can set an intention that this trip will be filled with good times and miracles.  And, I'm writing the prayer in this post so that I can anchor that intention in place...and then, let it go.

Have YOU ever had those feelings of anxiety when something big is going on in your life?

Today, I set the intention that my trip to Mexico and Panama is divinely guided every step of the way, and I need only turn within in moments of anxiety and all will be well.

"The real voyage of discovery is not in seeking new places, but in seeing with new eyes." 

"Magical places are always beautiful and deserve to be contemplated...always stay
 on the bridge between the invisible and the visible." 

Affirmative Prayer:
Sitting patiently in this moment, the Divine whispers of Life can be heard; softly, gently, calm and filled with love.  It is an Infinite Intelligence that is prosperity and abundance, guiding toward success and a glorious unfolding of day upon day, minute upon minute.

Knowing I am one with this Infinite Intelligence, I allow my life to flow with ease and grace.  I am the beloved of Spirit, moving through life on a fantastic adventure, supported by a Creative Wisdom that wants only my best.

Affirming that my best is always at hand, I let go of any thought of anxiety or fear and instead, surrender to the peace that is always within.  I breathe and relax into the awareness that there is so much to see in this life and that I am lavishly supported to step out and explore.  And from this knowing, I can embrace each step of the journey - a safe and smooth flight to Mexico, a wonderful experience with the airlines as I continue on to Panama and a joyous time is had with each person I encounter.  There is only the beauty of each individual's self-expression and I get to be a part of that in every leg of my trip.

I am filled with gratitude for the financial means and freedom that have made this trip possible.  I give thanks for the blessings of Spirit as I travel from country to country.  And I am so grateful that I need only draw from the Infinite Wisdom available in each moment to know that I am safe and protected.

From this place of deep gratitude and love, I release my word to the Divine Action of the Law, knowing it is already done.  A new adventure is always available and on its way to me right now.  And I let it be so.  And so it is.

Photo courtesy of Nur Lan/Flickr