Thursday, September 3, 2015

Guided By My Interests

Decisions, decisions.  About a month ago, I was driven by a desire to get my Series 7 license on the path to becoming a financial advisor.  Today, that desire still raises its head and I feel like I'm at a choice point in deciding to pursue this goal or let it go.

By holding off,  I wonder if I'm just being lazy or procrastinating out of a fear of not being successful.  I definitely have perfectionist tendencies that I've had to manage all my life.

Or, maybe its just my impulsive nature that scares me as I tend to jump into the next thing when I'm excited about learning something new.

Or, maybe because I can't see what my future holds as I make that choice, I do nothing out of concern that it could cost me my happiness.

If I listen to advice from people like Martin Luther King, Jr.,  I would take one step at a time toward this goal. I don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

So, my first step is to turn inward and seek the advice of my emotional intelligence.  I have learned that my gut feelings never steer me wrong.

Time to pull out my journal and start hashing it out.

Today, I set the intention to get to the heart of what's delaying my decision to take the Series 7 test, letting go of any angst, and tapping into what's next.

"Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, 
the dawn will come.  You wait and watch and work; you don't give up." 
~Anne Lamott

"Your interests will guide you.  Give no concern to what they say you cannot do. 
Be willing to accept the challenge. Take time to retreat to that quiet place 
within the pit of your soul and unleash your right to decide what is best for you." 
~Iyanla Vanzant 

Affirmative Prayer:
In this moment, there is a light of goodness that is the One Divine Presence.  It is the Creative Wisdom of love that embraces each person, each thing, with the mystery of grace.  It is the laughter of children at play and the softness of the dew on the grass each morning.

I am filled with this Divine Presence, breathing in the love of Spirit that is at my core.  I open to the Presence that is greater than myself and yet, I am one with It.  I stand with openness as I hear the still, small voice that tells me I am the beloved in whom Spirit is well pleased.

From this place of knowing I am one with all that is, I welcome the truth that I am a huge and vast vessel for love, for power, for greatness.  I no longer look at the past and feel regret.  I let go of the need to be right.  Instead, I stand in the present moment and take divinely guided action toward my good.  I sit in expectancy of a future of my creation that is bright and beautiful and joy-filled.  I stake my claim that this moment is a new way of living as I journey toward new dreams and desires.  And I affirm that whatever life throws my way, I am fully equipped to rise to the occasion.

I am so grateful for a Universe that supports the big visions I have for my life.  I give thanks for the success and prosperity that follows as I take small steps that are Divinely guided.  And I say Thank You, Sweet Spirit, for the fullness of my life.

Taking a deep breath in, I release this prayer to the Divine Action of the Law, knowing it is done.  My good is right here, right now.  Amen.  Alleluia.  And so it is!

Photo courtesy of H Matthew Howarth / Flickr

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