Saturday, August 8, 2015

What Is Mine To Do?

When I first started learning about the ability to 'change my thinking and change my life', it was fascinating to see the possibilities and the potential.  And, little by little, I started seeing the evidence of my manifestations - a free cup of coffee, great seats in a busy restaurant.

That could be why the spiritual practice of visualization was so powerful.  I could see the tangible results from simply picturing everything that I desired in my mind and feeling the gratitude and thrill and elation as they came into form.

As I evolve in this practice, I'm finding that I'd like to discover new ways to keep it interesting.  I love the free cups of coffee and the great seats in a restaurant but they are starting to feel superficial.  Instead, my hope is to go deeper and start holding a greater vision for my life.

What am I here to do?  That is the sense that is driving me.  And, from past experience, I know that the higher vision for my life is unfolding daily.  So, the question then becomes, what is mine to visualize?

I've started by visualizing my success in the job I've held for almost a year now.  Interestingly, as I visualize the success, I am guided by intuition to make certain choices.

And, beyond following my intuitive urges, I can hear voices telling me to take a certain path.  The most recent voice I'm hearing tells me I should take my Series 7 licensing exam to play a more active role as a financial advisor.

My first reaction is, "Are you crazy?  I'm terrible at math!".  So I push back and fight and argue with the voice.  However, I also turn to visualization and imagine my life as if I have completed this licensing exam.

And, it feels good.  It feel right.

Now I have to ask, "Is that my ego talking?"  Do I just want something that will give me a more prestigious title with more letters after my name when I'm at a work conference OR is this something that I am meant to do?  Will I feel lifted up and joyful if I do this?

There is so much to think about and contemplate.  I'm here to play a part in this beautiful Universe and there is greatness waiting just around the corner.  I only need to claim it - no excuses.

So, today I set the intention to explore the voice that is telling me to get my Series 7 license and I watch for circumstances and opportunities that guide me in being in the right place at the right time to decide Yes or No.

"Your big opportunity may be right where you are now." 

"Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must 
carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment.  Therein he cannot
 be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone's task
 is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it." 

Affirmative Prayer:
Pausing to take a breathe during this busy day, I take a moment to be still.  And in this stillness is the recognition of the One Divine Presence.  It is the experience of a natural state of grace that flows easily and effortlessly.  It is the joy of a child's laughter and the confidence that comes in a task well done.

This Infinite Intelligence that is laughter and grace and confidence is my source.  I am guided in every step I take by this source of Good and it is always available to me, dwelling at the center of my being.

With a realization that I am here on purpose and for a purpose, there comes a sense of freedom to take chances; freedom to explore the possibilities for my life; freedom to make mistakes, knowing there is a beautiful lesson to be learned from them.  I welcome the outpouring of God's imagination in my life, trusting that I am always on my right and perfect path.  My thoughts and feelings are aligned with my highest good and my life unfolds so that I am always in the right place at the right time.  And, I affirm that my inner knowing guides me daily from a place of deep love as I remain open to the blessings that are showered over me, wonderfully and beautifully.

I give thanks for the peace and the joy that come from being open to letting Spirit guide my life.  I say Thank You, Sweet Spirit, for your presence that tells me I can meet all that comes my way with confidence. And I am filled with gratitude that my skills and talents are ever unfolding, leading me toward even greater success than I can imagine.

From a place of awe and wonder, I release my prayer to the Law of Mind, knowing the world is my playground and the possibilities are endless.  I am free.  Life is good.  Amen.  Alleluia.  And so it is.

Photo courtesy of Daniel Zedda/Flickr

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