Monday, January 26, 2015

Knowing (vs. Hoping)

The idea of hope is magical - wishing and thinking and dreaming of the life you'd love to have.

A sporty new car.

A loving marriage/partnership.

A lovely house in a perfect neighborhood.

For me, it turns out, hope is really the expectation of how I'd like things to be, NOT the expectancy that they are here now, just waiting to find me.  On top of that, it puts life into a neat and tidy box of exactly what it must look like.

But what if the Universe wants to provide something even better than I hope for?

Here's where the amazing power of 'knowing' comes into play.  If you start to focus on knowing the car you've been drooling over is yours now - you're driving, listening to the awesome stereo system, enjoying the leather seats, and of course, it's easily affordable - pretty soon, things are lining up and it seems that miracles are happening.

Added to that, what if you 'know' what you want is yours now, and then - you simply allow.  You don't keep worrying that it's not going to happen, that you're not really deserving, that it would be too expensive anyway.  You follow your inner voice that directs you to talk with someone or email someone or go to a certain place - before you realize it, all these events have steered you to that car you KNEW was yours.

It takes practice to 'know' and to 'allow' but test it out for yourself.  Trust that the Universe knows what you need and what you want and, believe that when you get out of the way, something even better shows up.

So, where do YOU see 'knowing' working in your life?

Today, I set the intention to practice 'knowing' that what I want in my life is here now and I simply need to allow it to be revealed.

"Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, 
he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game." 

"You are not a drop in the ocean.  You are the entire ocean in a drop." 

Affirmative Prayer:
Turning within, there is an Infinite Presence that shines; glorious and magnificent, a welcoming Presence that is the core essence of Life itself.

This Infinite Presence is ever so alive within me, ever so strong within me.  I live from the truth that Spirit is expressing as me in every moment.  And, I am filled with awe as a Divine Power calls me grace and harmony, beauty and peace.

Every day, I choose to live life fearlessly as Spirit expands the visions and dreams I have for my life.  I live my life from a place of knowing; knowing that I am deserving of all the good that is arriving daily; knowing that I am worthy of the best in my work, in my job, in my relationships.  I affirm the possibilities for success are everywhere and I only need allow myself to be guided to see those possibilities revealed.  And I sit in wonder and expectancy as Infinite Intelligence works miracles all around me, blessing me daily.

I am grateful for the Divine inner wisdom that guides my steps and always has my back.  I give great thanks that something wonderful is always happening and I am filled with gratitude that the more I know and trust in Spirit, the more I see it done unto me as I believe.

From a place of pure joy, I release my prayer to the Divine Action of the Law, knowing it is already done.  I open my arms and receive the gifts of Spirit.  And I let it be so.  And so it is.

Photo courtesy of Steve Grosbois/Flickr

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Have An Amazing Sunday

Just when I get back into my running routine, something comes along to wreak havoc in it.  I think the Universe must be testing me when I set the intention to just 'allow life', haha.  What are your plans for today?  I hope they include getting outside and enjoying your favorite activity.  And, when you're back inside, here are a few fun and inspiring links from around the web...

Please don't punish yourself

Life is shorter than you think. The older you get, the faster it goes

Feel like it's all been done before?

Go ahead, give yourself a pass on these

Warning: viewers of this video may experience cute overload

Hope, assumptions and expectations. (Hint, only one is good for you)

5 things I wish I'd known before I changed my life

The best way to end the day: 5 things to do before you go sleep

7 things Ellen DeGeneres can teach you about being yourself

How manifesting a sabbatical can change your life

Photo courtesy of Debkumar Majumder/Flickr

Monday, January 19, 2015

You Need To Get Good At This

Thoughts about work woke me up at 3am this morning.  And, of course, I lay there fighting between the tasks I had ahead of me and the need to get more sleep.  Talk about frustrating!

I had emails to get out and meetings to attend and things to correct & resend for approval.  Taking on this new job, I knew there would be a workload to tackle on some weeks but I was certain I could manage with no issues.  After all, I'm a spiritual being.  I have a whole took kit of tricks to keep my life balanced.

The real trick is remembering to pull them out when I need them.  Fortunately, I'm getting better and better at this as I continue my inward journey.

So, after about 20 minutes of letting my mind go crazy with thoughts of work, I called a halt to my spinning mind and switched into meditation mode.

What surprised me about this process is how quickly I was able to adjust my attitude.  With that decision to stop and to focus on my breathe, to connect with Spirit and turn over my work to a higher power that has all the answers, I began to feel a freedom and peace calm my thoughts.

There was a visceral feeling of stillness in my heart.  And flashes of insight emerged.

In the past, I would step out of meditation and write down the insights.  Instead, I stayed in the quiet and simply noticed as ideas came and went.  I stayed focused on my breath.  And, eventually, I fell into a restful sleep.

I am seeing that every time I turn to my spiritual practices for a solution, each experience is different.  It becomes deeper.  There is an acceptance for what is and then a release to trust and have faith that something wonderful is happening.

It's beautiful to see that my practice is paying off.  I only need to keep going and remember that, in every moment <even at 3am> the solution is within.

So, where are YOU seeing the efforts of your continued spiritual practices become something wonderful that works in your life?

Today, I set the intention to remember the power of my spiritual practices when the demands of my busy life start to overwhelm me.

"Dig within.  There lies the well-spring of good; ever dig and it will ever flow." 
~Marcus Aurelius

"Go within; get quiet; become still until the peace that passeth understanding descends." 
~Joel Goldsmith

Affirmative Prayer:
As the fog settles gently over the mountains, there is a knowing of the essence of life itself, a Divine Power, that settles gently over all that is.  It is the breath of the One Life; magnificent, joyful, serene.

In the newness of this day, I see clearly that I am the joy of Spirit made manifest.  I am the magnificence in every action, the serenity in every moment as I allow the One Creative Life to flow through me and around me in all that I do.

And as the fog clears to reveal the mountaintops, so too are visions and dreams for my life revealed. I see so clearly that I am here to create, to be happy and healthy, prosperous and strong.  Within me is the spaciousness to allow unlimited possibilities to flow forth into expression. I affirm that as I grow strong in the use of my spiritual practices, my life is transformed in beautiful, meaningful ways.  I say Yes! to Life and release what is in the way of something even greater unfolding on my journey. New ideas call to me and I step out in faith and trust, knowing they are a Divine expression of Life itself, and I will never need be overwhelmed, only take each moment as it comes.

I give thanks for the newness of my life with each day.  Life is so good and I am grateful for spiritual practices like meditation that allow me to go within and find peace and comfort.  And I say, Thank You, Spirit, for a remarkable life filled with wonderful experiences and loving, joyful people who lift me up.

From this place of deep, deep gratitude, I lovingly release my prayer to the Divine Action of the Law, knowing it is done and all is well.  God's got this.  And I let it be so.  And so it is.  Amen.

Photo courtesy of Alexcoitus/Flickr

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Have A Wonderful Weekend

Happy Weekend!  We're off to try out our new wine tailgating bag this weekend.  It was inspired by our tailgate box for the football games.  Now all we'll have to do is pick up a few fresh bits to nibble on and everything else like napkins, plates, small forks, etc. are ready to go.  What are you up to this weekend?  I hope it's fun!  In the meantime, here are a few fun and inspiring links from around the web....

Why do we run so slowly in our dreams?

Want to quit your job?  You must do this.

You are worthy of your desires.

The difference between being 'detached' and 'non-attachment'.  And why it matters for getting what you want.

One simple habit to 'Fast Track' the life you want

Start right where you are

This cozy Danish custom could help cure your winter blues

5 ways to protect your energy from negative influences

20 things you should insist on no matter what people say

6 ways to combat the failure to launch in your life

Did you know on this day in 1820, Ann Bronte was born?  One of my favorite quotes from her; "I love the silent hour of night, for blissful dreams may then arise, revealing to my charmed sight what may not bless my waking eyes."  Enjoy your weekend!

Photo courtesy of Praveen Venugopal/Flickr

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Measuring My Words Against My Journey

I've been asked lately how I like my new job.  And I can honestly tell people that I love it.  I'm enjoying the work and the scope of what I'm doing has expanded.

I also tell people that I'm laying the groundwork so that if this does not work out, someone else can come in and take my place.  And there's my challenge: am I setting myself up to fail if I constantly tell people that I'm making space in case I don't work out?

Now, I realize that in any company, work flows and projects and processes should be documented so that anyone can step in if there's an emergency.  It simply a good business practice.

My problem is, every time I mention that I've laid the groundwork, there is a little voice in my head that says, 'Maybe this really won't work out'.  So, how do I chase this dream that energizes me and yet, be responsible to the organization in case of change?

My answer currently?  To enjoy each day at work for exactly where I am in the process, to continue to put my energy behind the organization's success, to do the best I can with what I know and to stop projecting failure by making the excuse upfront that I'm setting the stage for failure.

Every time I share with someone that I'm setting things up for someone else to step in, that's EXACTLY what the Universe hears. And, pretty soon, the Universe will make happen EXACTLY what I am describing.

If I'm honest with myself, I'm more and more certain that it's my ego's protection mechanism that triggers those words.  My ego doesn't want to be fired or blamed for failure so it wraps itself in excuses and reasons and justifications.

So, it's time to stop.  It's time to trust that my unique gifts and talents are being used perfectly, right where I'm at, right now.  There is no way to tell what the future will hold.   There is only the opportunity to embrace this moment now and to pour positive energy into what is being created for tomorrow and the day after.

Moving forward from this point, I'm staking my claim on this job and I've re-crafted my response when asked how my new job is going.  'I'm loving what I do and happy to be contributing my talents.'

And - I take it one day at a time.

So, what are YOU saying every day that is telling the Universe, 'here's what I want to create'?  And is it REALLY what you want to create?

Today, I set the intention to be aware of the words I am using in response to questions from others, knowing that my words are creative seeds being planted with the Universe to manifest.

"One day at a time - this is enough.  Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone;
 and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come.  Live in the present, 
and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering." 
~Ida Scott Taylor

"As our thought is opened and we behold the image of eternity within ourselves, 
we are changed by this image into a newness of Life." 
 ~Ernest Holmes

Affirmative Prayer:
There is a Divine Power in this moment that is remarkable and wonderful.  It is alive and vibrant; a Creative Wisdom that surrounds all that is with love and light.

Embracing the love and light of Divine Spirit, I continue to awaken to the nature of who I am - a spiritual being having a human experience.  Spirit moves through me and as me and I stand in the presence of Spirit, revealing the truth of who I am with every breath.

I welcome the knowing that I am a creative being, that my thoughts and words are creating my best life yet.  As I pay attention to my thoughts and words, I see my life unfold exactly inline with those same thoughts and words.  I claim that as I up-level my thoughts and words, so too is my life up-leveled.  I am remembering everyday how the Universe works - taking the new seeds of my words and planting them in beautiful soil that lovingly makes them manifest.  My life is renewed and transformed in remarkable ways as I cultivate what I say and what I think with the awareness that life will always say Yes!

Open to the unlimited possibilities of life, I am thankful for the guidance of Spirit that shows me my good in this life.  I am filled with gratitude for the gifts and blessings that are revealed as I watch what I say and what I think.  I say, Thank you Life, for the chance to be made new every day as I move away from what no longer works and lean into the magnificent vision for my life.

From a place of pure joy, I release my prayer to the Divine Action of the Law, knowing it is already done.  I have all that I need right now to create my own reality.  And I let it be so.  And so it is.

Photo courtesy of MendezEnrique/Flickr

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Learning From What Was NOT Created

With the New Year, as with many of us, it's always a good time for me to reflect back and see the evidence of what I have manifested in my life.  And, often, as I look back, I see not only what was created in my life, I see also see the outcomes that were NOT created.

As part of my spiritual journey, now that I am paying attention and noticing what is AND what is not, I'm starting to realize that maybe it's better to NOT get so caught up in the details but to really sit with the feelings and let the Universe decide the outcome.

It's not that I don't believe that I can create what I long for but by not being so attached to how things look, I think I'm finally learning that by focusing on what I long to FEEL in my life, I'm also opening up opportunities for the Universe to provide something even better.

And, in my reflection of 2014, that's one of the things I lost last year - to claim 'this or something even better'.

For example, I've reached the point where I really want to own my own home.  So, rather than outline all of the details - Italian look on the front, 4-bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1750 square feet, a master bedroom with a sunken tub in the bathroom, a backyard with a BBQ built in on the porch, etc. - my plan this January is to imagine and sink into the feeling of the qualities of my home.

So, I'd really love to be able to walk downtown to the shops and restaurants and I love the feeling of walking the neighborhood with my dog, of chatting with friends I meet outside and I can see myself smile as I know that my mortgage and other expenses are easily affordable.

This lets me dream and, at the same time, manifest something that is do-able, allowing the Universe to provide what's best and maybe, even better, than I can imagine for EVERY area of my life.

And what is do-able exactly?  For me, it means stepping into the flow of the timing of the Universe.  While I'd really love the home that provides what I'm feeling, it has to be in right and perfect timing. My finances have to align with the dream so that I am successful long-term in owning my home.

I have discovered over the last year that when I allow the timing of the Universe to guide my life, it really does work out so much better.  The challenge then, for 2015, as I focus on feelings, is to be comfortable in the not knowing 'when'.

Everything may unfold perfectly so that I own my dream home by this time next year OR it may turn out to take another five years.  I may read this post at the end of 2015 and see again the outcomes for my life that were NOT created.

In either case, if I can embrace the uncertainty of timing, the possibilities for a home (or a job or a relationship) that feels even better than I can imagine is sure to be an amazing discovery.

So, what are YOU reflecting on this month so that you can set the stage for an even better 2015?

Today, I set the intention to allow 'this or something even better' to manifest in my life, nurturing the feelings of what I desire and letting go of the need to say 'when.'

"You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. 
So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles." 

"There is no confusion in the approach to Reality. It should be calm and dispassionate
 but filled with feeling because feeling and emotion are creative." 

Affirmative Prayer:
In the joy of this moment, there is the sense of the One Infinite Presence.  It is a vibrancy; so perfect, so beautiful, so wonderful.  It is love unlimited and grace undefined, calming and nurturing, compassionate and gentle.

It is so real, I feel this Presence within me at the deepest level.  The Creative Wisdom that I call God moves through me and I open my heart and say Yes! to a life that works in magnificent ways.

I allow a new vision to be born with the start of the New Year.  New opportunities are finding their way to me and I claim them with open arms, knowing they are here in the right and perfect timing.  I affirm that I am here to create my best life ever and need only listen to the guidance within that tells me this or something better is always on its way.  I rejoice that my gifts and talents are revealing my potential and my life thrives in every way - my perfect home, my perfect job, my perfect relationships are right here, right now.  It is all Divine and the Universe celebrates my success every single day; so rich and so opulent and so real.

I am filled with gratitude for the all-good of the Divine that expresses through me in wonderful ways.  I give thanks that there is nothing that can keep my from my good and I am grateful that I simply need pray, 'This or something better' and it is done.

Touched by the deep love of Spirit, I release my prayer to the Divine Action of the Law. knowing it is already done.  Life keeps getting better and better.  And I let it be so.  And so it is.

Photo courtesy of Chris Gin/Flickr