Thursday, December 26, 2013

You'll Never Know Until You Try

I'll never know until I try.  That mantra keeps going through my head and I'm feeling a calling to be like Alice in Wonderland.  I need to step into the rabbit hole and stop playing it safe.

It's almost as though I'm remembering something important about myself that I've forgotten.  It's so easy to get caught up in adult responsibilities - going to work, paying the bills, buying more "stuff".

But - what if I could prosper and thrive by being more like a child and using my imagination to create my reality?  There are new treasures my soul is longing to discover.  I can feel it move through me like a wave of energy, building momentum every day.

And - just like Alice chased the rabbit throughout Wonderland, I'll need to chase the ideas to discover my true abundance.

The key, for me, will be to let go of the need to be perfect before I put myself out there for others to see.  I will need to accept myself for exactly who I am, exactly where I am.

The challenge of doing things perfectly showed up recently while I was practicing my flute.  It has been YEARS since I've played and I'm very rusty - VERY rusty.

After 30 minutes of failed attempts to hit certain notes, I was berating myself for my awkwardness.  I grew up playing flute and I should have this down, regardless of how long it's been since I've played.

All I could think in that moment - I'll never be good enough to play in front of other people.  Thank goodness for The Course In Miracles.  I stopped, took a breath, and asked "how can I see this differently"?

The answer came quickly - Google.  I searched for "flute emboucher".   A number of results came up including YouTube videos of master classes by James Galway.  I grabbed my flute and started practicing the tips he gave.  What a difference that 5-minute lesson made.

My aim, now, is to work with the videos and find a good flute instructor who can guide me.  I may never be "perfect", however, I am loving the time I get to spend practicing and I am REALLY loving how much better I am sounding.

My new goal is to get good enough to perform again.  Because - I'll never know how my life might unfold even better than I can imagine unless I try.

So, I set the intention today to surrender the need for perfection and to embrace the path that is unfolding as I try new things.

"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it.  
Boldness has genius and power and magic in it."  

"To embark on this glorious challenge, you must leave
 the known and jump away from the familiar, the status quo,
 to discover who you truly are and can be."  

Affirmative Prayer:
In the stillness and quiet of this moment, there is a beauty that flows around all that is.  It is filled with wisdom and with love and it is a Divine Presence that is the essence of life itself.  It is ever present, revealing and expressing as the One Life, amazing and dazzling in Its brilliance.

Breathing in this brilliance, I embrace this Presence as it moves through and around and as me.  I am a perfect expression of Divine love and Divine wisdom and I let my heart be filled with Its peace and glory and grace.  I close my eyes and know that I can never be separate from this Intelligence that exists within me.

And as I open my eyes, there is knowing that my natural state is perfection - my natural state is confidence - my natural state is abundance and prosperity and joy.  I let go of any fear that might hold me back from sharing my gifts and talents with others.  I let go of any worry that I might not be good enough.  Instead, I claim that I am Divinely guided down a path that supports me as I try new things.  I claim that the right and perfect experiences align with my journey as God expressing as Sandy.  I hold the consciousness of faith and hope and know that miracles are occurring every day as I make the choice to step boldly into the light and shine.

Leaning into this feeling, I am so grateful for the miracles and blessings that prosper my life, that support me to live fully and completely.  And I am thankful that my unique gifts and talents are the Truth of who I am - a spiritual being having a human experience.  I am filled with gratitude for the knowing of a Source that calls me Beloved in every minute of the day and night.

From this place of gratitude, I release my word to the Divine Action of the Law, knowing it is already done, it is already made manifest in brilliant and amazing ways.  And I let it be so.  And so it is.  Amen.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Choose What's Good For Everyone

"If you can't quiet your mind, then what you see all the time is the trouble and turbulence - you don't see your divinity."  Those words by Dr. Bernie Siegel jumped out at me from the Science of Mind Magazine recently.

As I seek to understand the mysteries of the Universe, this is one truth that I know without doubt.  Taking time to be still and honor my connection to the Universe, even if only for a minute or two, is vital to my peace of mind.

It is NOT something that necessarily comes naturally.  As a Sagittarius, I know that patience is not my strong point so learning to be quiet and tap into my authentic self, even for a short time, takes some work.

What I did see manifest once I took the time to quiet the monkey mind was that my life flowed so much more smoothly.  And when I ignored those feelings and allowed my ego to direct my life, issues surfaced that seemed even more difficult to deal with.

It is important to realize that we are all, at our core, Divine beings.  We are all surrounded by the grace of Spirit that resides in each of us.  Beyond that, it is freeing to accept that everywhere we go, we are guided to experience a path for our highest good when we quiet our minds.

It does not mean there won't be stuff that might bring us pain or sorrow.  It does mean that we do NOT have to get caught up in that trouble - we can choose to see the Divinity within each person and each event and move through things with an awareness that we are connected.

So, what are you choosing to embrace?  Laughter?  Joy?  And - can you see your Divinity?

Claiming my Divinity, I set the intention today to see myself for who I am, the beloved of God, supported and guided in all that I do.

"The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, 
his influence, his power for good.  Calmness of mind is one of the 
beautiful jewels of wisdom." 
~James Allen

"Never let anything cause you to doubt your ability to demonstrate
 the Truth.  Conceive of your word as being the Thing."  
~Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind

Affirmative Prayer:
In the radiance of the sun, in the joy of the birds singing, there is a Divine Presence that lights the way and knows only love.  At the core, THAT is the essence - love, joy, peace, harmony and grace.  This essence is a Magnificence that is beyond words and it is a Power that permeates all of time.

Basking in that Power, there is a knowing that I am a part of this One Magnificence as It flows through and around and as me.  Every aspect of my life reveals this Divine Presence in beautiful and loving ways.  And, I am immersed in my Divine Nature, savoring the exquisite feeling of worthiness that comes from deep within.

It is from this place of worthiness that I lean in and realize that I am the beloved of God, filled with the wisdom to take perfect right action in every choice I make.  As I move throughout my day, I see clearly how I and each person I meet is reflecting their divinity within.  As we connect, I am filled with a sense of wonder that Life is supporting each of us in ways that direct us to our highest good.  And I claim in this moment that my life is filled with miracles and gifts beyond what I can even imagine, knowing that I am deserving of those gifts and miracles.

I am filled with gratitude for all of the right choices that I am guided to make as I tap into my Divine Nature.  And I give great thanks for a Divine Presence that knows only love for me and for my life.  I am so grateful for the perfect unfolding of each day, stepping out in faith as I follow the path I have chosen.

In faith and trust, I release my Word to the Divine Action of the Law, knowing it is already done in the One Mind.  My path is laid out perfectly and I need only start to walk.  And I let it be so.  And so it is.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Aligning Routine With Spontaneity

I have been riding on the party vibes of my birthday for the past few weeks.  It was a fun few weeks and very energizing, considering it means I'm another year older.  I allowed myself to enjoy anything that caught my attention - trip to Washington State, late night happy hour, playing Cards Against Humanity, shopping trips at the mall.

Unfortunately, my enthusiasm for saying yes has left me feeling a bit overwhelmed.  So, I'm throwing out the last of the party cake and tossing out the lingering cards and empty boxes.  Truth be told, I'm ready to step back into more of a routine and relax in my everyday rituals.

Meditation, journaling, walking the dog, exercise - all of them have me remembering to breathe and connect back to my source, to Spirit.

But - what my "party" time has allowed me to see is that life is all about God expressing and experiencing as our life, right now.  We are Spiritual beings having a human incarnation, as Michael Beckwith likes to say.   It is in living and stepping into the things that call to us in the moment that we expand our connection to each other and our connection to the Universe.

Our journey's here are intertwined and it is often through synchronicity and coincidence that I am propelled to my next level of opportunity.  Sometimes, it's just for the experience of fun or joy or compassion so that when I need to tap into that energetic feeling, I can remember.

Other times, it truly is through the connections I've made with others that I find an even better job, meet a soul mate, or make the introduction that might be life-changing for someone else.

So, while I need the routine to take a breathe and recharge, I also embrace my free-spirited nature for the gift that it is.

Claiming my free-spirited nature as part of my purpose here, I set the intention today to enjoy my journey, balancing the routine days with spontaneity in perfect ways for me.

"Be like a sponge when it comes to each new experience.  If you want
 to be able to express it well, you must first be able to absorb it well." 
 ~Jim Rohn

"Waste no more time talking about great souls and how
 they should be.  Become one yourself!"  
~Marcus Aurelius

Affirmative Prayer:
In the awareness of this moment, there is a light that shines as Spirit, bringing a warmth and a newness to all that is.  It is a Power for good that illuminates possibility and awakens the magnificence that is the Indwelling Presence of God.

Feeling the warmth and the newness of Spirit, I let It spread through me as my life now.    I allow Source to pull me into the experience of the journey, knowing It is guiding and sustaining me from a place of love and of peace.  I am made new in each moment, in each breathe, in each heartbeat.

Restored by the newness, I know perfect right action for every choice I make in my life.  I step into my journey, sitting in expectation of the beauty of the outcome, trusting that each person I meet is for a purpose.  I let go of any past hurts or wounds and embrace only the now.  I lean into the spontaneous moments, attracting people and situations that propel me into opportunities that look like miracles and answered prayer.  And I bless the routine moments of my day, accepting the gifts that they bring as part of my expansion.

I am so grateful for the ever-increasing good in my life.  And I am thankful for the miracles and answered prayer that are showered on me by a Power greater than me.  Thank you, Life, for the joy that is always available in every moment of the day and night.

It is from this place of gratitude that I release my word to the Divine Action of the Law, knowing my word is returned to me fulfilled in powerful and amazing ways.  And I let it be so.  And so it is.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Following My Intuition To Bring Beauty To My Life

Today was the day I hit the wall with my clutter and finally took action.   I swore that this time, when we moved into our new home, I would not let piles of "stuff" start to build up in every corner.  Of course, when life gets busy, I revert right back to my old ways.

So, I decided to pick one area to tackle and started emptying and tossing boxes, filling a bag for Goodwill and putting away things I decided were worth keeping.

What came up for me as I pushed through the work was that I need to do more than clear the clutter -  I need to add some beauty and order.  Otherwise, it still feels a bit like chaos.

Taking a break, I headed over to the mall to pick up some other things I needed and chose to be a window shopper for a while.  Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware, Macy's, Nordstrom - all of them had my head spinning with ideas.

In fact, it was too much for me.  It was overwhelming and I started feeling indecisive and frustrated.

The good news - I didn't have a panic or anxiety attack.  Instead, I stopped and allowed myself to tune into my intuition.

Out of everything I had seen, what would make me feel good?  What would bring me joy?  And what would give me a feeling of abundance but still fit into my budget?

By stopping and re-aligning with the intention I held for beautifying my home, I stepped back into my power.

At that point, I headed back to Nordstrom for only one item.   It would be perfect to put on the nightstand I cleaned up.

Putting this down in words, it sounds a bit silly as if this was just a matter shopping.  But I realized it was more than that.  I had set an intention for how I wanted my home to feel.  It was so energizing to tune into that voice within that knows my intention and is guiding me to a right and perfect outcome, even with interior design.

My home is an expression of me, of my unique voice and personality, and it is important to me.  When I allow the presence of Spirit to guide me in these small things that call to me, I can only smile to think what will happen with the bigger events in my life.

So, today I set the intention to allow myself be guided by my intuition, in small things and in big things, having faith that Spirit is supporting me in my unique expression of life.

"Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, 
for that determines our success or failure."  

"When intelligence makes a demand upon Itself, It answers Its own demand
 out of Its own nature and cannot help doing so!"  

Affirmative Prayer:
In the extraordinary flow of life, in the limitless energy of the Universe, there is only One.  One Power, One Presence, One Divine Wisdom.  It is always available, reaching out with enthusiasm for each new day, seeking expression through all that is.

As this Presence seeks expression, I lean into the One, knowing I can never be separate.  I live and have my being in this knowing, rejoicing in each moment that I am supported and sustained by a loving Power that wants only my highest and best as it moves through and around and as me.

In the perfection of this day, as I go within, I know that I am guided in every action I take.  As change takes place, I listen to my intuition and make choices that are based in Divine Wisdom.  There is no need for worry or for fear, instead there is a faith and trust that each choice - big or small - is based in love.  It is a freeing feeling to realize that a deep and profound magnificence is expressing perfectly with unlimited possibilities for my life now.

From this place of possibility, I am so grateful for the beauty that unfolds in my life, every single thing leading to another thing and another thing.  And I am thankful that I can use my intuition, my connection to Spirit, to move down a path toward an even greater good than I can imagine.

Allowing my life to flow from a place of gratitude, I release my Word to the Divine Action of the Law, knowing it is already done.  My life is blessed.  And I let it be so.  And so it is.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Growth Through Divine Discontent

Divine discontent is a term I read recently that speaks to my choice to change how I respond in every moment.  So, rather than be annoyed with a situation or frustrated with a person in my life, I can choose to take responsibility and respond differently.

But - how do I handle things when the annoying or frustrating person is me?

I admit that I like to direct my life and it's getting close to the time of year when it's the perfect opportunity to set intentions.  My challenge is that I have no idea what I really want to accomplish in the next few weeks let alone over the next year.

So - I'm now annoyed with myself that I lack vision and frustrated that my normal tendency to be a go-getter and has gotten up and left!

Fortunately, since my daily spiritual practice involves meditation, I decided to take this uncertainty into the silence today and ask the Universe for guidance.  What I received back was an internal nudge to focus on how I want to FEEL.   And, I had a sense of overwhelming love reminding me that beating myself up serves no purpose.

I am loved beyond measure and Spirit wants my success in all things.

Reading my horoscope in Elle magazine this week, I was reminded about vision boards and I am feeling pulled to sit and create one.    It mentioned that rather than deliberately seek out pictures of what I want, I should just flip through magazines and clip pictures that call out to me and make me feel a certain way.

What a great idea!  It is an opportunity for my subconscious, my soul, to give me some clarity around the action steps I should be taking.

So, I'm am giving myself a break and stepping out in faith that I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this point in my life.   I will continue to go with the flow and trust the Universe to support me.

And, I set the intention today to make the space for Spirit to show me in clear and understandable ways, where I should be focusing my time in each moment.

"When a man looks at the stars, he grows calm and forgets small things.
  They answer his questions and show him that his earth is only one 
of the million worlds.  Hold your soul still and look upward often,
 and you will understand their speech.  Never forget the stars."  
~ Frances Hodgson Burnett

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where
 this is no path and leave a trail."  
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Affirmative Prayer:
In every moment of every day, there is only One Power and One Presence.  It is in the beating of every heart, in the sounds of the ocean waves and the touch of a dog's wet nose against soft skin.

As the heart beats and the ocean waves crash against the shore, this One Presence that I call God also crashes and beats through and around and as me.  Every where I turn, I can feel the presence guiding and supporting me in all that I do.  In every choice I make, there is a Divine Wisdom that is always available.  In every step I take, Spirit is guiding the direction and making the path easy and effortless.

Knowing that a Divine Presence moves through me, I know that I am here on purpose for a purpose.  As that purpose unfolds, I am always available to hear Spirit speaking when I simply make the time to be still and listen.   And as I am guided by a loving Presence, I am given clear signs to direct my steps.  It is so easy to understand what my intuition tells me I must do.  And my path is smoothed over with love, with joy and with passion for all that is in my life right now.

It is from this place of passion and joy that I give thanks that I am here in this moment for a reason, for a purpose that is bigger than me.  And I am filled with gratitude for the vision of God's life as Sandy.  It is a beautiful, amazing life and, knowing I am loved beyond measure, I am thankful for this expression of Spirit.

Claiming a life filled with love, I release my Word to the Divine Action of the Law, knowing it is already done in glorious ways.  And I let it be so.  And so it is.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Universe Knows When I'm Ready To Recieve

My mind feels pretty close to mush.  I've been putting the final touches on my term paper and completing the final exam, all of which is due on Thursday.

It's amazing and draining at the same time.  I am learning so much about how the Universe works and yet, I feel like I still have so far to go.

And, since I tend to wait until the last minute, I'm scrambling and feeling a bit overwhelmed.  Oh yeah, and I have to work as well if I want to get paid.

So - I'm practicing what I'm learning and I'm using affirmative prayer almost daily.  What became clear was that I struggle with the 'letting go' part of my prayer.

Release is a powerful step, however, once my seed has been planted, I now have to contend with the question of “when”.  When will my dream manifest?  When will I see results?

For me, it goes back to trust and faith in the right timing of the manifestation.  Knowing that each treatment is complete unto itself, I also now know I am uncovering beliefs that I have held subconsciously.  As I become aware of these beliefs, I can continue treating until I reach the place where I am ready to receive.

Ernest Holmes says in How to Use the Science of Mind, “While it is necessary that expectancy and acceptance be woven into every treatment, it is also necessary to continue treatments until the desired result is obtained.  The practitioner must train himself to come to a complete conviction in every specific treatment, and then forget that treatment.”

Divine Intelligence knows when I’m ready to receive a miracle.  It is my work to learn patience. 

This path of Practitioner studies has been about training for myself.   I am learning to let go and let God.   I am continuing to walk a spiritual path where I am better equipped with tools to recognize that the Universe is always responding to my thoughts.  And, I am learning to tap into hearing Spirit, through intuition, every day – not just when I need a treatment.

According to Holmes, “Everyone should train himself to listen deeply to the Spirit which spontaneously flows through his own being.  This is adding the Spirit of Truth to the letter of the Law.  When the two become one, the most amazing power the world has ever witnessed flows freely into action through human affairs.”

So, my intention for today is to listen to and trust the still, small voice within, knowing that the Universe is always taking care of me.

"Whatever life takes away from you, let it go.  When you surrender
 and let go of the past, you allow yourself to be fully alive in the moment.
  Letting go of the past means you can enjoy the dream
 that is happening right now." 

"Surrender is simply saying, 'I am available to what seeks to 
emerge through and as me'."  
~Michael Beckwith, Life Visioning

Affirmative Prayer:
Standing in the stillness and quiet of this moment, there is a feeling of One Power whispering softly that now is all there is.  There is a knowing of One Intelligence that sees and supports all that exists in this moment now.

This One Power and One Intelligence lives, moves and has Its Being in and through  me, every single day.  And I am available to listen as this Power and Intelligence guides me down the path in ways that allow my life to unfold perfectly.  Every day, I stand open to receiving the wisdom of the Universe.

Every action that I take is inspired by a grace that supports my highest and best unfolding as Sandy.  And every decision that I make is made from a place of love and harmony.  And as I take right action, I receive more good, more joy, more abundance than I can imagine.  The Universe steps up to direct my choices as I become quiet and simply listen.  There is no need for fear or worry, there is only trust and faith that all is working together for my good.  I am loved beyond measure and all is well.

And from this place of love, I am filled with gratitude that I am always at choice.  I am so thankful that I am guided by a loving Universe that always wants by highest and best.  And I am grateful for the unfolding of my life, becoming more of who I am meant to be, every day.

I release my Word to the Divine Action of the Law, knowing that my good is here now, knowing that I am cherished in this very moment as I let it be so.  And so it is.