Monday, July 29, 2013

Have Less, Prosper More

For many of the people I know, there has always been this desire to have more - more money, more love, more "stuff".   And I'm just as guilty of this.  For years, I collected English cottage houses, filling shelves with knick-knacks and recently, I found a box of old LP's from the 80's that I've been dragging around in each move I've made.

Lately, tho', I hear conversations about changes in life forcing people to down-size and reduce what they own.  I thought it was just something happening to me as part of my personal growth.

Turns out, I'm not alone.

It's an interesting phenomenon and I'm not clear on why it's affecting so many of the people I come into contact with.  What I do know is that I trust the Universe to always have my highest and best in mind.  And I know that's true for each one of us.

So, I've been letting go and releasing and really clearing the clutter.  Even my husband has been on a "clutter-clearing mission" lately.  In fact, he is not planning to hook up the TV in our bedroom.  It's quite amazing to watch!

Throughout this process, what I've noticed is that having less doesn't feel like lack.  We're not starving for anything and our new mode of living simply is a bit freeing.

There is a value in stopping the compulsive collecting and seeing the abundance in what we already have.  Both my husband and I have let ourselves relax.  We've even cut back on over-booking our time.

This is not to say it's a bad thing to have personal items.  Where I am seeing the power is when we are thoughtful about our purchases and really feel the joy in what we own.

I see this especially in my eating.  I'm buying more fresh, clean food and making meal time an event to savor.  I no longer stock my cupboards with the bulk boxes of macaroni and cheese or pack my freezer with pounds of ground beef.  I shop more consciously and enjoy wandering around the local farmer's market to see what's available.

As I keep releasing, I'm actually starting to feel physically lighter.  I get the impression that I'm lining up with the Universe and the truth that God is my Source.  And knowing this truth, I remember the lines from one of my favorite tracks from Michael Beckwith's Transendance CD - "Know that you're coming from plentitude and abundance.  You lack nothing."

This release has been a beautiful reminder of who I am.  I don't have to worry about not having enough.  In the Tao Te Ching it says, "Do Less, Achieve More."   I wonder if it also says, Have Less, Prosper More.

So, today, I set the intention to remember and know that I come from plentitude and abundance and lack nothing.  

Affirmative Prayer:
Trusting in the One Source, the One Power, the Father/Mother God, there is shelter and safety and plentitude that knows no bounds.  It surrounds and protects and prospers and thrives.  And it is in this knowing that I am covered and protected as the Source of All moves and has Its being in and through me.

As I am covered and protected, I release any thought of lack or limitation and affirm that my every need is met.  I walk in confidence that I only have to ask and believe and it is given.  And as I grow in Spirit, I realize that I need less and less and see the abundance in all that I experience.  The beauty of nature that reflects the love of the Universe and is given freely and unconditionally.  I am humbled by the prosperity that flows from an unlimited Source.  It is effortless and magical as a way is made out of no way.

I am so grateful for this guiding presence in my life.  Thank you, Spirit, for moving me forward on my path to know you and, therefore, know me, better.  I am thankful for the realization that You are my Source and that I always have plenty, especially as I release more and more.

Releasing my Word to the Divine action of the Law, I know it is already done in the One Mind.  And it is amazing and I am blown away!  I let it be so and so it is.

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